About me and this site

Welcome to my 6th-dimension website. I am Andreas J. Reichel, born in Munich, Bavaria and this is my web presentation about my hobby projects.

Especially regarding my computer projects, other people might find some information helpful which I publicly share here.

After the launch of Windows 10 and its license agreements, its manner to deal with users and much more, I decided to not continue using Windows anymore due to my personal ethnic attitude. My computers belong to me. I decide myself what software is running and what it is doing. There are no background activities I do not know of and there is no personal data shared with people unknown to me. I don’t want anybody to decide for me which updates I have to install and when I have to do it. I am thankful to free software developers, especially to Linus Torvalds fullheartedly.

The invention of computers have changed the way we live. I am thankful to Prof. Konrad Zuse for his hobby projects and that he did what he was supposed to do despite some arguments with his parents 😉 He invented the first computer that finally led to the current technology revolution.

A girl I know once told me how silly it was in her opinion that I do a website about my hobbies and what I do. After short consideration, and after I was invited by an English publisher to write a book about what I had posted and earned money with it – I have to say: it is not silly. Knowledge is the most important good of mankind. I do not have much knowledge. But I can share the little I know and thus I do share what I know.

If you find anything wrong or have any questions, please contact me at webmaster@6th-dimension.com

Responsible for the content acconrding to
German law §55 RstV – Telemedien is:

Andreas Reichel
Dipl.-Phys. (Univ)

Pottensteinstr. 3
81249 München


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